Tuesday, January 2, 2018

AZAM 2018

Happy 2018! I normally don't make resolutions, but for this blog I have to make one!

Reminder of 4 pending blog post:
  1. Kusadasi - Ephesus 
  2. Foods in Turkey 
  3. Tips in Turkey 
  4. Aceh Trip 

I will try to find to complete these 4 blog post by the end of Q1 of this year. 

  • What do you do when you miss travelling?
  • How do you deal with your travel nostalgia?
  • I miss the anticipation and anxious months of planning a trip.
  • I miss spending spare moments looking in travel books for ideas and putting together itineraries that we almost never actually stick to.
  • I even sort of miss the rush of the last minute packing and that anxious night that I always have before we leave and not able to sleep because I am just too darned excited (and it doesn’t seem to matter how much we travel or now many places I have been)
  • I miss the thrill that travel gives me

I hope this coming 2018, ada rezeki untuk berjalan lebih jauh lagi. Do you have any travel plan for 2018? Please share it with me.

And on the other note, 

I'm sorry for those who find it hard to contact me in the past. 

I really am sorry. I tried to open the comment section at the end of my blog post, but it seems not working no matter how I tried.

If you have any questions, feel free to contact me at:

izzawida87@gmail.com or; you can DM me @ Instagram: @izzwda

Thank you,